We have hardships that make it difficult to carry out our original plans or causes us to change direction. Joseph and Mary remind us of this. They had some bumps in their plans as Mary became pregnant and Joseph had to make a decision whether he would support her, even though the baby wasn't his or to leave her and publicly humiliate her. It was not what he planned. But he followed the hard path and he and Mary got married. Then, they needed to travel to Bethlehem. That would have been long, extremely tedious, especially when the roads were what they were back then, and with a pregnant woman by his side. Oh, how they would have loved to have had a comfortable place to lay their head after their travels, but they could not secure this for the night. It was not in their plans to have their son, God's son, in a barn. A barn!!!
No, none of the plans were what they felt they should be. It was not easy. They had to make decisions and change their plans. However, look at the outcome from all this - Jesus. The real Reason for the Season. Joseph and Mary knew he would arrive and that all their hardships and the things they endured would "pay"off. So they trudge through and tried to stay positive.
It is how we need to be. We need to put into perspective exactly what is important. I learned that you have to fight for things that you hold dear and that it is not always an easy task. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. And sometimes, it means that things have to change for awhile and that you have to endure hardships, but the outcome is bigger and better than before.
For example, over a rough number of months of separation, Chad and I worked tirelessly on making our marriage work. We didn't make promises to each other over 12 years ago to walk away. Sure, there are times when this is inevitable. But we weren't convinced this was the path for us. To make sure that we were going down the right path, we put God in the forefront. He was always there, but we propped him up even more. We made sure we went to church every Sunday and shared in a few meals here and there as a family, despite the way we may have been feeling towards each other at the time.
In the Spring, we attended Retrouvaille. What an intense, draining, but SO worthwhile venture. It really helped for us to open doors and begin to heal as a couple. It was the stepping stone for putting a seemingly broken marriage back together.
Just after our weekend, we began going weekly to a "Fireproof" study at a couple's house from our church. It was incredible. We felt like we could be open and honest with the others present. We could bounce ideas and thoughts with ease and this lead to many deep conversations later between the two of us. This was more than just the next step. It provided us with more meat to chew on and bolted us forward to the commitment to reunite and begin anew.
While we were apart for those months, there were times things were maddening and frustrating. But once we began to heal, thanks to strategies from Retrouvaille and strengthening through Fireproof, we were like a brand new couple rediscovering our likes and dislikes all over again. That was really exciting.
In September, we renewed our vows. The kids and us (minus our greyt pal, Spencer) headed for Bermuda.There was more anticipation for this event than when we said vows the first time around to each other. We had a gorgeous place right on the south shore (thanks to amazing friends.) It was our private getaway. And the four of us - and God - celebrated the reunion. It was a blessing, the entire trip, bumps and all.
This year, we saw through the tragedy, and the hurt. We chose to work through it all and to give it all we had. We couldn't let 20 years of friendship and 12 years of marriage slip away. Now, we are more connected and alive in one another than ever before.
Then there is Spencer. He has also brought this family together with a common goal... to please his majesty. We have been so enjoying (most of the time) the antics of our new family member and the ability to share our love with him.
We feel like a new family. We have been given a new start - dog and all- for the next amazing chapter of our life. We are truly blessed and we are granted grace, all made possible by the One and only. Our family would not be as it is if it weren't for the strength and love of Him, through Christ.
So as we prepare our home and our hearts this Christmas season, we reflect on the goodness of God. His gifts to us are endless and we humbly stand before Him. The most important gift, was His Son. Christ was not born into earthly royalty. He was born like many of us - into a working class home. He didn't have all the luxuries nor did he have the wealth. Yet, Christ was focused here on earth and lived a flawless, bountiful and grace-filled life, showing compassion and reverence where ever it was due. And ultimately, He died for our sins. He bore our pain, guilt and shame. Can you imagine a parent allowing their child to be tortured, ridiculed and raised on a cross like a common thief? Would you do that? Would you sacrifice your son or daughter if it meant that others would be free and could have a relationship with you because of this death?
Again, what a gift this season is and it was given to us at a high cost.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
A month already?????
Wow! On June 28th, Spencer will have been with us for a month. I don't know where the time went. It has been incredible to have a large, awkward four-legged creature bounding through the house. Spencer has added a whole new dimension to our home, that's for sure!
So, here's to recap the goings-on during the first month...

One of our favourite things he does is cockroach when he's sleeping... his tongue will also hang out from time to time.
So, here's to recap the goings-on during the first month...
- he's a Houdini - proved that the second day
- he loves being around people and can sound very mournful if you are out of his sight for too long
- he prances and smiles when he is out for his walk, freaking the passer-bys out
- he's actually a sleek, shiny black colour (the baby fur has left the building... now floating around the back, perhaps lining a nest or two)
- he LOVES marshmallows AND (can't forget this one) his wombat who essentially is his playmate, chew toy, cuddle buddy and pillow all wrapped up and disguised as an animal.
- he can shake both paws... and will give it freely if he thinks it will get him a treat or two!
- he can "spin" for treats as well
- he roos and smiles at the same time
- he actually barks!
- he is trying really hard to win Plio over... so far, a few swats, a couple of scratches and a few play swipes...
- he compliments the chef after he eats by coming over and burping and then walking away
- he leans when he is driving in the car... like a surfer or snowboarder does through a turn
- he enjoys the beach and thinks rocks are his playmates
- he can clear the room with his quiet-but-deadly ones!
- he went on his first vacation to Pugwash and charmed everyone he met in town
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Settling In
Spencer has now been here 6 days and he is getting settled into a day in the life of our world. He is still a bit shy(and slightly stubborn), but he is romping around more and showing more personality.
Yesterday, he was hanging out in the classroom while I was tutoring. He discovered Mac's orange hockey ball and went wild, jumping up and down and wanting me to play with him. It was so fun to watch and keep him going!
Spencer also comes alive when he hears us filling up his dish with food. He runs up and down the stairs (carpeted) and hops around waiting for us to put it down. He reluctantly stays until we say "Okay."
He's also tried to gnaw the legs on one of our occasional tables. We will forever have "Spencer" marks to remind us of his first few days. (Better than having to steam clean the living room carpet to rid the spots after he decided to leave a couple of presents for us when he got out our crate!)
Overall, he is fitting in and tolerating us quite well. I am sure he wonders why we don't relax more and mellow out as he, himself, flakes out his whole body on his blanket and snoozes hard most the day. We are trying to get his stamina up so we can take him hiking, thus any longer walks than around the block at the moment tires him out completely.
Yesterday, he was hanging out in the classroom while I was tutoring. He discovered Mac's orange hockey ball and went wild, jumping up and down and wanting me to play with him. It was so fun to watch and keep him going!
Spencer also comes alive when he hears us filling up his dish with food. He runs up and down the stairs (carpeted) and hops around waiting for us to put it down. He reluctantly stays until we say "Okay."
He's also tried to gnaw the legs on one of our occasional tables. We will forever have "Spencer" marks to remind us of his first few days. (Better than having to steam clean the living room carpet to rid the spots after he decided to leave a couple of presents for us when he got out our crate!)
Overall, he is fitting in and tolerating us quite well. I am sure he wonders why we don't relax more and mellow out as he, himself, flakes out his whole body on his blanket and snoozes hard most the day. We are trying to get his stamina up so we can take him hiking, thus any longer walks than around the block at the moment tires him out completely.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Spencer Arrives!
We went to GPAC late afternoon to pick up and bring Spencer to his forever-home, as they say. He was eager. He "smiled" as he left the crate. When we got outside he rolled over onto his back and wanted us to rub his belly. He was patient as we put on his cool collar and took off his other one. He's so docile!
Our 50 minute ride home was pretty uneventful. I sat in the back, as he was a little unsure about the whole car thing. For the most part, he laid on the seat. It was so funny to see him extend his head and put it on the arm rest and stare at Chad. Often, it was upside down, too! Once in awhile he would get up, share his doggie breath as he looked out the window, watching the world go by.
He took to the house fairly well. Its quite comical to see Chad and I help Spencer up the stairs. He is still working on it. He found his bed right away and made himself at home. He is so laid back, that even a bolting cat only made him open his eyes, then he returned to sleeping.
It already feels like he has been here forever. Welcome to the family, Spencer!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
A Greyt New Adventure
Awaiting Spencer
We are awaiting the arrival of our new family member, Spencer (aka Nitro Grinner). He is presently recuperating from being fixed and is resting comfortably at the kennel. We will be picking him up Thursday or Friday of this week.
We spent most of the weekend at the kennel playing with him and walking him. He is so lovable and I am confident he'll adjust quite easily to all of us.
The preparations are almost complete. I finished the dog beds last week, just in case we could bring him home on the weekend.
Everyone in the family had to make sure the beds were comfy enough for our new arrival. Between the kids, hubby and Plio, the beds have been well-tested.
Plio LOVES the beds. She thinks they are hers. It will be interesting to see how she reacts to Spencer laying on them!
Our greyt pals, Fargo and Kali, also tried the beds out when they visited us this past weekend. Not only are the beds cat approved, they are dog approved! They are even Abby approved as she used it as a mattress to sleep on while having a sleepover in the family room. Hopefully, Spencer will like it as much.
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