Confession: I am not one to make a resolution, let alone a bunch of them, come January 1st. However, I always set some goals to work on throughout the coming year. I find it helps me keep focus and perspective on life and challenges me to be, and do, better.
This year, my goals include:
1. Make a brand-new recipe each month
2. Read 1 book a month (I often don't make time to just read. This, I feel, will help me make time for it.)
3. Finish 2012 scrapbook and keep up with 2013 scrapbook
4. Go to 3 places I have never been: 1 restaurant, 1 city, 1 museum or attraction
5. Blog once per week
6. Limit facebook time, posting once or twice a week.
7. Take a course in the education field (professional development)
8. Paint a special piece for the house (I haven't paint since university)
So, how have I been doing meeting these goals?
1. Recipe: I made a bok choy salad for lunch one day. I have never prepared anything with bok choy and I was curious. I found out you can eat it raw, so I thought - Perfect! I found this recipe: Now, I didn't have rice vinegar, so I used regular vinegar. (It would have been better with the rice vinegar.) I omitted the almonds as I am allergic and I didn't have a jalapeno pepper... so that got left out. Overall, it was okay. I am sure, if the recipe is followed exactly with no omissions, it would be full of flavour and perfect to accompany a steak dinner or a tofu dish. For me, I think I will search for other yummy bok choy recipes in the future.
2. Read: I have my Kobo to thank for meeting, AND going beyond, this goal. (FYI: I LOVE my Kobo Glo I received for Christmas.) I read The Foretelling by Alice Hoffman; The Custom of the Army by Diana Gabaldon, a non-fiction, riveting work (not really that exciting) about the care of chihuahuas, and I am halfway through The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel by Deborah Moggach. I also borrowed an e-book called The Element by Sir Ken Robinson. (I am almost finished that one.)
3. Scrapbook: I have uploaded new papers and embellishments into Storybook Creator - I had a backlog of files to load in from last year. I also purchased credits for a 12x12 book and an 8x8 book. I plan to use the 12x12 for the first six months of my 365 from last year. I have finished to May 2012 for that book. So almost there! For 2013, I have simply been organizing my photos (all digital into folders) and really haven't contemplated the book yet. That will have to change if I am to keep up with this goal. That being said, I have taken on keeping a SMASHbook for the year. AND I have been adding to it throughout the month. Does that count for my scrapbook goal?
4. Places: There hasn't been any progress yet on this front.
5. Blog: I have been doing at least once a week, faithfully, and lovin' it! I don't really know how many people I am reaching, but for me, it is not about that. It is an exercise in creativity, expanding my writing skills and voice, tracking my year and events/items I feel are important, and getting experience using the program.
6. Facebook: I WAS doing well on this until last week. Last week, we adopted a new four-legged friend and well, that meant more posts; then old habits crept back in this week. February is a new month, and I will try again to limit time on fb and keeping my posts to a minimum.
7. Course: This is a work in progress and it isn't necessary to complete this month. :)
8. Painting: I am searching for the topic of my piece. I have played around with a few ideas... abstract vs. a more Impressionist inspired piece. I am debating to do a large piece vs a triptic (An art piece that consists of three canvases that hang together.) More developments will be shared in the coming months.
I am please with my progress thus far in 2013.
I have also completed and begun several other projects. I already showed you some of the crocheted pieces (and working on my son's cowl now.) I also blogged about the SMASHbook (and more to be posted in the short term.) As well, I have made an upcycled dog sweater from a sleeve of a wool sweater (post to follow) and a personal address book for a close, dear friend. I have been documenting the process of creating this book as I have gone along as I will be blogging about it shortly.
I am LOVING, LOVING being crafty, creative and keeping this blog. I am feeling centred and calm. (Maybe great weekly dates have been a contributing factor, too.)
January was a good month!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
A Year of Dates: Date #3
This week's date was postponed from Tuesday to Saturday afternoon. Whether you have kids or not, life needs to keep us on our toes and keep us flexible.
I am glad for the delay. It gave me more time to prepare this special date. This week, I was on deck for the entire execution - from start to finish. I based this date around the movie, The Tourist with Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp. I used the setting of the movie for the "setting" and food for our date.
(FYI: I got the idea for this date from The Dating Divas.
On Friday evening, I delivered, (actually our greyhound did with some coaxing,) an envelope that contained 2 tickets to Venezia (Venice.) To create the invite, I simply used Word and found the Italia Rail logo to put on the "ticket." I had to look up words for passenger, departure, and the date in Italian. The invite/ticket gave a hint of intrigue and wooed my husband right away.
All I have to say, is thank goodness for the date change from an evening to an afternoon. Preparation took a little longer - no, A LOT longer - AND it required much assistance from my two children. They helped with set up, the cleaning, and the take down of the whole affair. My daughter even played our hostess for the date.
Side note: Getting your children involved is a great idea as it shows them the care you need take for one another in a marriage. (Brilliant, I say!)
At 3:30 pm (the "train" was delayed by 30 minutes = I needed extra time), we arrived in the lobby of "Hotel Italia," (our house) greeted by our hostess, Signorina Abigail. She led us to the sitting room of this fine establishment (aka. our living room) and offered us an expresso. She then proceeded to hand us an envelope from the "proprietors" of the hotel which we opened while she checked on our room.
We opened the envelope whilst we were sipping our expresso. To "our" surprise, we were told that everything was included, and that we even had euros to pay for our dinner, as the restaurant was separately owned. (I thought this was a creative way to include more props and use our left over euros from our last European adventure.)
After finishing our lovely beverages, we were escorted to our "suite" (our bedroom.) On the bureau was a tray with wine, cheese and crackers, chocolate, and there was a bubble bath waiting for us in our lovely ensuite. We were informed by Signorina Abigail that our dinner reservations were in an hour and to take this time to relax from our "traveling." She even told us that clothes were provided for us to change into for dinner. Naturally, after we were left alone, we opened our wine, ate some cheese and crackers, and soaked in the tub.
Ah! Perfect after a morning on the train! LOL!
After an hour, we received a call from the "front desk" to let us know our dinner reservation was upon us. We put on the clothes set out for us and went down to the "lobby." Signorina Abigail showed us to our table on the lower floor. She seated us at the best table in the house! Situated right in front of a blazing fire and away from it all! She poured sparkling water handed us the menu. She explained that this was a family-owned restaurant, using only the freshest ingredients, and because it was a small establishment, they only offered one choice for first and second course, and of course, dessert. She also said the menu rotated, but today's menu was one of their finest! I knew then we were in for a treat. ;) (Loved playing in character.)
We had a lovely three-course meal. A salad, lasagne and garlic bread, and chocolate cheese cake, accompanied by some red wine. The service was impeccable, but I was interrupted a couple of time due to phone calls from "the kids back at home." (This was a code between my daughter and I so that I could help her get the next course dished out.) My husband didn't seem to mind, as he used that time to peruse the Italian phrase book we found in our "suite."
After our dinner was cleared, Signorina Abigail brought a board game to our table that she thought we might enjoy to play as we soak in the experience of dinner in "Venice."
The game was Ten Days in Europe. We played two rounds of it. I am pleased to report that yours truly won both rounds. I think that means that the score of game wins on our date nights now stands at 2-1 for my husband. (I am gaining on him.)
After we finished our dinner and game, our gracious hostess brought us back to the sitting room for a cappuccino. Upon my reservation at "Hotel Italia," I had reserved a private showing of The Tourist in Hotel Italia's theatre (aka. our rec room.) Once again, Signorina Abigail escorted us to the theatre which had the most comfy seating I have ever had in a theatre! ;)
My husband was in awe of the whole affair. He commented that I really set the bar high and that he felt like he was truly was transported "away." Thanks to our wonderful hostess, Signorina Abigail, for all of her help throughout our mini getaway.
I am glad for the delay. It gave me more time to prepare this special date. This week, I was on deck for the entire execution - from start to finish. I based this date around the movie, The Tourist with Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp. I used the setting of the movie for the "setting" and food for our date.
(FYI: I got the idea for this date from The Dating Divas.
On Friday evening, I delivered, (actually our greyhound did with some coaxing,) an envelope that contained 2 tickets to Venezia (Venice.) To create the invite, I simply used Word and found the Italia Rail logo to put on the "ticket." I had to look up words for passenger, departure, and the date in Italian. The invite/ticket gave a hint of intrigue and wooed my husband right away.
All I have to say, is thank goodness for the date change from an evening to an afternoon. Preparation took a little longer - no, A LOT longer - AND it required much assistance from my two children. They helped with set up, the cleaning, and the take down of the whole affair. My daughter even played our hostess for the date.
Side note: Getting your children involved is a great idea as it shows them the care you need take for one another in a marriage. (Brilliant, I say!)

We opened the envelope whilst we were sipping our expresso. To "our" surprise, we were told that everything was included, and that we even had euros to pay for our dinner, as the restaurant was separately owned. (I thought this was a creative way to include more props and use our left over euros from our last European adventure.)

Ah! Perfect after a morning on the train! LOL!
After an hour, we received a call from the "front desk" to let us know our dinner reservation was upon us. We put on the clothes set out for us and went down to the "lobby." Signorina Abigail showed us to our table on the lower floor. She seated us at the best table in the house! Situated right in front of a blazing fire and away from it all! She poured sparkling water handed us the menu. She explained that this was a family-owned restaurant, using only the freshest ingredients, and because it was a small establishment, they only offered one choice for first and second course, and of course, dessert. She also said the menu rotated, but today's menu was one of their finest! I knew then we were in for a treat. ;) (Loved playing in character.)
We had a lovely three-course meal. A salad, lasagne and garlic bread, and chocolate cheese cake, accompanied by some red wine. The service was impeccable, but I was interrupted a couple of time due to phone calls from "the kids back at home." (This was a code between my daughter and I so that I could help her get the next course dished out.) My husband didn't seem to mind, as he used that time to peruse the Italian phrase book we found in our "suite."
After our dinner was cleared, Signorina Abigail brought a board game to our table that she thought we might enjoy to play as we soak in the experience of dinner in "Venice."
The game was Ten Days in Europe. We played two rounds of it. I am pleased to report that yours truly won both rounds. I think that means that the score of game wins on our date nights now stands at 2-1 for my husband. (I am gaining on him.)
After we finished our dinner and game, our gracious hostess brought us back to the sitting room for a cappuccino. Upon my reservation at "Hotel Italia," I had reserved a private showing of The Tourist in Hotel Italia's theatre (aka. our rec room.) Once again, Signorina Abigail escorted us to the theatre which had the most comfy seating I have ever had in a theatre! ;)
My husband was in awe of the whole affair. He commented that I really set the bar high and that he felt like he was truly was transported "away." Thanks to our wonderful hostess, Signorina Abigail, for all of her help throughout our mini getaway.
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Us at "Hotel Italia" at our special dinner |
Saturday, January 26, 2013
My Smashbook Adventure Begins
What is a Smashbook, you ask? If you were like me me, you may have never heard about it until recently. For a refresher, simply put, it is a book that collects it all: thoughts, dreams, plans, inspiration, memories and treasures. (AKA: a junk drawer). There isn't necessarily a rhyme or reason to it, it is a book that houses your "stuff."
I am an artist. Although, over the last number of years, you would never know it. No new finished masterpieces adorn my walls or unfinished ones hide in the corners. The truth is since I had kids, the artist in me has remained silent, never wanting to speak up and break free from the confines of schedule, routine, kids, work, life. I am truly me when I am painting, creating, collaging, drawing, getting covered in paint and pastels. I feel alive when I soak in the moment and time stands still. The artist in me longs to reign and show my kids that just because you are a 'boring ol' parent,' it doesn't me the "you" in you dies.
Enter stage right: the Smashbook. I am hoping the essence and spirit of what it is, ignites the artist in me once again and puts me back on track.
How will this happen exactly?
Well, a number of years ago, I took up scrapbooking as a token creative activity. And I can't lie; I LOVE it! I scrapbook traditionally (paper, stickers, photos, glue, and pens) and digitally. I think in terms of layouts and design when I take pictures. I ponder about the musings of my journaling that will accompany my pages (I actually DREAD that part, believe it or not!) And I try to capture the essence and the feeling of that exact moment when I scrapbook. When I leaf trough the finished pages, I feel blessed and I know I am leaving a special legacy for my family.
But sometimes I would like to throw convention of "acid-free," "proper layouts," and "rules" out the window and return to the way I used to scrapbook when I was a teenager. My journals and books resembled more of a "smashbook" than a tidy, handwritten book of teenage angst writing and pictures. My books and tape covers I made (for those endless mix tapes) held magazine cut outs, pictures of my favourite things, sayings, doodles, tickets, receipts and even petals from flowers received on special occasions. They were memory joggers every time I opened the tape case or perused through the book. Any sorrow, pain, anger or loneliness that accompanies teenhood, was lost to happier moments and a smile always adorned my face.
Naturally, to achieve this freedom again, I did what any self-respecting crafter/scrapper does: take that 40% coupon from the Michael's flyer and make a special trip to the store to pick myself up the basics... a book with a pen/gluestick combo and a few extras (journal boxes, decorative tape etc.). I actually found a starter kit. PERFECT!
With my wares in tow, I returned home and leafed through it just as I do when new textbooks and curriculum arrive at my door. (Yes, the nerd in me is showing through!) The blank pages hold so much possibility; they are blank canvases awaiting to waken to creative juices. The extras are delightful and extend my expectations even further.
But there is a problem. Sometimes a blank canvas remains just that. Blank. Empty. And I often leave my canvases blank despite the inspiration that exists in my head. The worry of spoiling the possibility and ruining my vision takes over.
I am determined, however, that 2013 will be a creative one and this beautiful Smashbook of mine will be filled with so much of everything interesting, cool, fun, memorable, happy of this year by December 31, 2013!
So far, I have only added a few things, mostly a couple of lists. I still need to let go of the organizer in me and allow chaos and whim to take over. I believe that in doing this exercise I will overcome the blank canvas syndrome that has plagued me for the least several years.
Here are some urls to explain and show Smashbooks further:
I am an artist. Although, over the last number of years, you would never know it. No new finished masterpieces adorn my walls or unfinished ones hide in the corners. The truth is since I had kids, the artist in me has remained silent, never wanting to speak up and break free from the confines of schedule, routine, kids, work, life. I am truly me when I am painting, creating, collaging, drawing, getting covered in paint and pastels. I feel alive when I soak in the moment and time stands still. The artist in me longs to reign and show my kids that just because you are a 'boring ol' parent,' it doesn't me the "you" in you dies.
Enter stage right: the Smashbook. I am hoping the essence and spirit of what it is, ignites the artist in me once again and puts me back on track.
How will this happen exactly?
Well, a number of years ago, I took up scrapbooking as a token creative activity. And I can't lie; I LOVE it! I scrapbook traditionally (paper, stickers, photos, glue, and pens) and digitally. I think in terms of layouts and design when I take pictures. I ponder about the musings of my journaling that will accompany my pages (I actually DREAD that part, believe it or not!) And I try to capture the essence and the feeling of that exact moment when I scrapbook. When I leaf trough the finished pages, I feel blessed and I know I am leaving a special legacy for my family.
But sometimes I would like to throw convention of "acid-free," "proper layouts," and "rules" out the window and return to the way I used to scrapbook when I was a teenager. My journals and books resembled more of a "smashbook" than a tidy, handwritten book of teenage angst writing and pictures. My books and tape covers I made (for those endless mix tapes) held magazine cut outs, pictures of my favourite things, sayings, doodles, tickets, receipts and even petals from flowers received on special occasions. They were memory joggers every time I opened the tape case or perused through the book. Any sorrow, pain, anger or loneliness that accompanies teenhood, was lost to happier moments and a smile always adorned my face.
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My Smash Book set I purchased with my 40% Michael's coupon |
With my wares in tow, I returned home and leafed through it just as I do when new textbooks and curriculum arrive at my door. (Yes, the nerd in me is showing through!) The blank pages hold so much possibility; they are blank canvases awaiting to waken to creative juices. The extras are delightful and extend my expectations even further.
But there is a problem. Sometimes a blank canvas remains just that. Blank. Empty. And I often leave my canvases blank despite the inspiration that exists in my head. The worry of spoiling the possibility and ruining my vision takes over.
I am determined, however, that 2013 will be a creative one and this beautiful Smashbook of mine will be filled with so much of everything interesting, cool, fun, memorable, happy of this year by December 31, 2013!

Here are some urls to explain and show Smashbooks further:
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Have you ever had a moment where you sat silently with a smug grin on your face; you know, the one that turns one side of your mouth upwards as you give yourself a virtual pat on the back?
Me, too! It is not often, but every now and again, I have one. My moments are usually associated with something my kids are doing and that I have had a hand in their "success."
For example, like this morning. My daughter HATES reading. I mean she CAN read and does when she HAS to, but reading is not an activity that she gravitates to or wants to do with her time. (I can relate. I was the same at her age).
But, my smug smile appeared earlier today when I have hit the jackpot.
I finally found some books that have captured her and have taken her hostage. They have enveloped her with relatable characters, fun plot twists and sparked her imagination a little.
Last night, she was nearly tripping us as we arrived in the door to get to the books I picked up at the library for her. Just for her. I had a strong feeling she would like them.
This morning, she put her breakfast on hold and said that she would get to her school work AFTER she read for awhile. Who can argue with that? Not me, as I sat across from her drinking my morning coffee, with that smile adorning my face and patting myself on the back.
1 point for mom!
The books that I "won" with for her:
The English Roses Series by Madonna
Whatever After Fairest of All by Sarah Mlynowski
I am crossing my fingers that this ignition of the desire to read for enjoyment will continue. Well, off to hunt for some more winners, I mean, books for her to read.
Me, too! It is not often, but every now and again, I have one. My moments are usually associated with something my kids are doing and that I have had a hand in their "success."
For example, like this morning. My daughter HATES reading. I mean she CAN read and does when she HAS to, but reading is not an activity that she gravitates to or wants to do with her time. (I can relate. I was the same at her age).
But, my smug smile appeared earlier today when I have hit the jackpot.
I finally found some books that have captured her and have taken her hostage. They have enveloped her with relatable characters, fun plot twists and sparked her imagination a little.
Last night, she was nearly tripping us as we arrived in the door to get to the books I picked up at the library for her. Just for her. I had a strong feeling she would like them.
This morning, she put her breakfast on hold and said that she would get to her school work AFTER she read for awhile. Who can argue with that? Not me, as I sat across from her drinking my morning coffee, with that smile adorning my face and patting myself on the back.
1 point for mom!
The books that I "won" with for her:
The English Roses Series by Madonna
Whatever After Fairest of All by Sarah Mlynowski
I am crossing my fingers that this ignition of the desire to read for enjoyment will continue. Well, off to hunt for some more winners, I mean, books for her to read.
Friday, January 18, 2013
January Creations
This year, although not an actual resolution, I want to keep my creativity up and not let excuses get in the way. We will see how long it lasts, but I am game and willing.
So far, 2013 has been a busy one. I have completed two cowls. Tried my hand at a cup cozy (jury's out as to if I like it or not). Designed, made, redesigned several ereader cases (and in the process created a Balckberry Playbook one, too). Oh, and I have begun working on our Disney '12 album.
Here are some of the creations:
These are the single cowls I made for my hubby and my daughter. They were fast and easy to crochet (which I REALLY like!) My son wants a double cowl - so that is next on my list to complete. Pictures will follow!
This is my second attempt at an e-reader case. The first one, which was to fit a Sony brand, was even too tight for a Kobo Glo. So I had to go back to the drawing board. I like the fact it had pockets, but I dislike the yellow band around the top. I wasn't thinking and added it on AFTER I had sewn the top together, thus, the yellow band created a bit of a pucker and left the edges raw. Despite this "failure," I love designing and figuring things like this out.
I remeasured, drew out a few ideas and came up with a simpler, yet more polished look, I believe, to a case. However, like the other two before it, it was fatally flawed. This time I had made my seam allowance smaller and thus created the perfect case for a Blackberry Playbook. I love when mistakes actually look as if one had intended the outcome all along. My son thought it great that I had made a case just for him!
Okay. It was once again back to the drawing board (literally) for me. I decided then that I would make it even simpler yet again, but this time the case will include a flap to help give it some extra security (prevent the book from slipping out).
The result? See for yourself. I think they turned out perfect! The cases fit like gloves. I made 2 Kobo Glo cases - one for me (the cats) and one for my hubby's co-worker (red fan). I also made one a little longer for the Sony e-reader for my sister (blue fan). What do you think?
Note: I actually have my sister to thank for this grand adventure of case making as she requested one after receiving her reader at Christmas. Thanks, Bon, for kicking me into high gear and encouraging me to get the creative juices flowing once again.
So far, 2013 has been a busy one. I have completed two cowls. Tried my hand at a cup cozy (jury's out as to if I like it or not). Designed, made, redesigned several ereader cases (and in the process created a Balckberry Playbook one, too). Oh, and I have begun working on our Disney '12 album.
Here are some of the creations:
These are the single cowls I made for my hubby and my daughter. They were fast and easy to crochet (which I REALLY like!) My son wants a double cowl - so that is next on my list to complete. Pictures will follow!


Okay. It was once again back to the drawing board (literally) for me. I decided then that I would make it even simpler yet again, but this time the case will include a flap to help give it some extra security (prevent the book from slipping out).
The result? See for yourself. I think they turned out perfect! The cases fit like gloves. I made 2 Kobo Glo cases - one for me (the cats) and one for my hubby's co-worker (red fan). I also made one a little longer for the Sony e-reader for my sister (blue fan). What do you think?
Note: I actually have my sister to thank for this grand adventure of case making as she requested one after receiving her reader at Christmas. Thanks, Bon, for kicking me into high gear and encouraging me to get the creative juices flowing once again.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
A Year of Dates: Date #2
Last night marked our second date in 2013. This time, hubby was on deck for carrying it out (according to the envelope contents he picked for this week). His instructions were on a sole piece of blue paper. He had to find a creative way to "invite" me out for the date AND he had to include a couple of items from a list. He chose poker chips and popcorn to weave into the festivities.

My cute invitation included a handmade envelope (by hubby) and two "tickets" to the evenings events at "Chaz Seward." (He meant to say, Chez Seward). Very cute!
We began our date by the fire for another classic game, Careers. This time, we used poker chips instead of paper money and we played to 100 (normally we always play until 60).
Hubby was champion yet again - but it was close. (Not really. Just saying that to make me feel better at losing two weeks in a row. I think the multiple rolls to the Hospital early in the game really hurt me).
When we peeled our stiff bones off the floor (Yes, our youth is slowly leaving us little by little) from in front of the roaring fire, we headed to find seats at the Seward Theatre. Since he was the game champion, hubby got to pick the genre of the movie. To my surprise, he went right for the romantic ones. He shortlisted a few on Netflix, and I made the final call . My pick? Bounty Hunter with Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler.
While I "saved" his seat, he went and got (made) us popcorn (in our new popcorn maker!) and more of our favourite: chocolate mint Italian Soda. (Soda water and Torani)
We laughed and snuggled. The movie was entertaining and the second date of the year was a light and relaxing one. Thanks for a great evening!

My cute invitation included a handmade envelope (by hubby) and two "tickets" to the evenings events at "Chaz Seward." (He meant to say, Chez Seward). Very cute!
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Plio thinking she needed to help hubby with the instructions |

Hubby was champion yet again - but it was close. (Not really. Just saying that to make me feel better at losing two weeks in a row. I think the multiple rolls to the Hospital early in the game really hurt me).
When we peeled our stiff bones off the floor (Yes, our youth is slowly leaving us little by little) from in front of the roaring fire, we headed to find seats at the Seward Theatre. Since he was the game champion, hubby got to pick the genre of the movie. To my surprise, he went right for the romantic ones. He shortlisted a few on Netflix, and I made the final call . My pick? Bounty Hunter with Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler.
While I "saved" his seat, he went and got (made) us popcorn (in our new popcorn maker!) and more of our favourite: chocolate mint Italian Soda. (Soda water and Torani)
We laughed and snuggled. The movie was entertaining and the second date of the year was a light and relaxing one. Thanks for a great evening!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
A Year of Dates: Date #1

In it, was a simple scavenger hunt-type activity. Most of it, we completed while we ate bbq nachos.

Mortimer and Bubbles also joined us throughout our pictorial adventure of Envelope 1.

How we ended the evening...

PS. I let hubby win both games of Clue! ;)
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