For Christmas, I gave my hubby a big box. I am not quite sure what he thought he was opening, but I know he was definitely surprised and taken back by what he found inside. I had planned out a year of weekly dates, and then some. Each date is secret and cannot be revealed until the envelope is opened. Each of the dates for a month are in a larger, monthly envelope. This means, he can't peek and see what's coming up! I also included a photo album for us to put the pictures from these dates into so that at the end of this Year of Dates, we will have a cool record of our adventure.
Last night was Date #1. It was a Flip and Open date. (Simply: You flip a coin to see who opens up a smaller envelope, carry out that task. Then flip to open the next one and so forth). Hubby seemed to think this was grand! (Though I was the one who one the flip with "Heads" and got to open up the first envelope).
In it, was a simple scavenger hunt-type activity. Most of it, we completed while we ate bbq nachos.
We were required to take a number of pictures to complete the tasks. Some were very silly, including the one we had to take with the orange (#7). It was hubby's idea to stage it like we did... LOL! It looks way too happy!

Mortimer and Bubbles also joined us throughout our pictorial adventure of Envelope 1.
After we completed Envelope 1, we flipped to open Envelope 2. Now hubby won, but I got to chose what to do with our $10 PC card. My task was to pick up a treat so that we would take it back for a game of Clue (that was in Envelope 3 which was opened by hubby after best 2 of three flips).! I think that it almost killed hubby that I was biting on his subtle suggestions as we walked the aisles of the store. We came out with fancy bubbly water from Italy and super decadent chocolate chip cookies. Perfect for in front of the fire on a cold January night - or at least I think so!
How we ended the evening...
PS. I let hubby win both games of Clue! ;)
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