Saturday, January 26, 2013

My Smashbook Adventure Begins

What is a Smashbook, you ask?  If you were like me me, you may have never heard about it until recently.  For a refresher, simply put, it is a book that collects it all: thoughts, dreams, plans, inspiration, memories and treasures. (AKA: a junk drawer). There isn't necessarily a rhyme or reason to it, it is a book that houses your "stuff."

I am an artist.  Although, over the last number of years, you would never know it.  No new finished masterpieces adorn my walls or unfinished ones hide in the corners. The truth is since I had kids, the artist in me has remained silent, never wanting to speak up and break free from the confines of schedule, routine, kids, work, life. I am truly me when I am painting, creating, collaging, drawing, getting covered in paint and pastels.  I feel alive when I soak in the moment and time stands still.  The artist in me longs to reign and show my kids that just because you are a 'boring ol' parent,' it doesn't me the "you" in you dies.

Enter stage right: the Smashbook.  I am hoping the essence and spirit of what it is, ignites the artist in me once again and puts me back on track.

How will this happen exactly?

Well, a number of years ago, I took up scrapbooking as a token creative activity.  And I can't lie; I LOVE it! I scrapbook traditionally (paper, stickers, photos, glue, and pens) and digitally.  I think in terms of layouts and design when I take pictures.  I ponder about the musings of my journaling that will accompany my pages (I actually DREAD that part, believe it or not!)  And I try to capture the essence and the feeling of that exact moment when I scrapbook.  When I leaf trough the finished pages, I feel blessed and I know I am leaving a special legacy for my family.

But sometimes I would like to throw convention of "acid-free," "proper layouts," and "rules" out the window and return to the way I used to scrapbook when I was a teenager. My journals and books resembled more of a "smashbook" than a tidy, handwritten book of teenage angst writing and pictures.  My books and tape covers I made (for those endless mix tapes) held magazine cut outs, pictures of my favourite things, sayings, doodles, tickets, receipts and even petals from flowers received on special occasions. They were memory joggers every time I opened the tape case or perused through the book.  Any sorrow, pain, anger or loneliness that accompanies teenhood, was lost to happier moments and a smile always adorned my face.

My Smash Book set I purchased with
my 40% Michael's coupon
Naturally, to achieve this freedom again, I did what any self-respecting crafter/scrapper does: take that 40% coupon from the Michael's flyer and make a special trip to the store to pick myself up the basics... a book with a pen/gluestick combo and a few extras (journal boxes, decorative tape etc.). I actually found a starter kit.  PERFECT!

With my wares in tow, I returned home and leafed through it just as I do when new textbooks and curriculum arrive at my door. (Yes, the nerd in me is showing through!)  The blank pages hold so much possibility; they are blank canvases awaiting to waken to creative juices.  The extras are delightful and extend my expectations even further.

But there is a problem.  Sometimes a blank canvas remains just that.  Blank.  Empty.  And I often leave my canvases blank despite the inspiration that exists in my head. The worry of spoiling the possibility and ruining my vision takes over.

I am determined, however, that 2013 will be a creative one and this beautiful Smashbook of mine will be filled with so much of everything interesting, cool, fun, memorable, happy of this year by December 31, 2013!

So far, I have only added a few things, mostly a couple of lists.  I still need to let go of the organizer in me and allow chaos and whim to take over.  I believe that in doing this exercise I will overcome the blank canvas syndrome that has plagued me for the least several years.

Here are some urls to explain and show Smashbooks further:

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