Saturday, May 29, 2010

Spencer Arrives!

 Ok.  Today (Friday - its now past midnight Saturday morning) I woke up to the tinkling of Plio's cat collar. (This is nothing unusual).  I went to pat her, as she usually sleeps on my bed curled by my legs.  Not today, though!  She had made herself cozy in the kennel.  At least we know she thought it is a sweet spot.  A wonderful way to begin a long-awaited day.

We went to GPAC late afternoon to pick up and bring Spencer to his forever-home, as they say.  He was eager.  He "smiled" as he left the crate. When we got outside he rolled over onto his back and wanted us to rub his belly.  He was patient as we put on his cool collar and took off his other one.  He's so docile! 

Our 50 minute ride home was pretty uneventful.  I sat in the back, as he was a little unsure about the whole car thing.  For the most part, he laid on the seat.  It was so funny to see him extend his head and put it on the arm rest and stare at Chad.  Often, it was upside down, too!  Once in awhile he would get up, share his doggie breath as he looked out the window, watching the world go by.

He took to the house fairly well.  Its quite comical to see Chad and I help Spencer up the stairs.  He is still working on it.  He found his bed right away and made himself at home.  He is so laid back, that even a bolting cat only made him open his eyes, then he returned to sleeping.  

It already feels like he has been here forever.  Welcome to the family, Spencer!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Greyt New Adventure

Awaiting Spencer

We are awaiting the arrival of our new family member, Spencer (aka Nitro Grinner).  He is presently recuperating from being fixed and is resting comfortably at the kennel.  We will be picking him up Thursday or Friday of this week.

We spent most of the weekend at the kennel playing with him and walking him.  He is so lovable and I am confident he'll adjust quite easily to all of us. 

The preparations are almost complete.  I finished the dog beds last week, just in case we could bring him home on the weekend.  

Everyone in the family had to make sure the beds were comfy enough for our new arrival.  Between the kids, hubby and Plio, the beds have been well-tested.

Plio LOVES the beds.  She thinks they are hers.  It will be interesting to see how she reacts to Spencer laying on them!

Our greyt pals, Fargo and Kali, also tried the beds out when they visited us this past weekend.  Not only are the beds cat approved, they are dog approved! They are even Abby approved as she used it as a mattress to sleep on while having a sleepover in the family room.  Hopefully, Spencer will like it as much.