Sunday, February 10, 2013

A Year of Dates: Date #5 (Finally!)

A blizzard couldn't stop the "do-over" of Date #5.  Even though we had to postpone this date last week due to weather and illness, Chad was not letting the massive blizzard interfere with his plans to pull off the date he had painstakingly planned.

Chad's task this week was to incorporate two of the following items into the date: music from mixed tapes he made while we were dating, dinner, mail, shoe and jar.

Which items did he pick?  "jar" and "music"

So what did he decided to do with these items, you may ask?


I thought this was SO clever!  I mean, sure, we could have played  a variation of one of the numerous games we already have, but this was totally original for us.  It also meant that he had to search around for this idea and then implement it.

Saturday, Chad ran up the stairs around lunch time.  He said that someone had "left" this at the front door and that we should be ready to play anytime.  It was my first glimpse to our activities of our date. :)

a sample of the song list
We headed down to the coziest room in our house (the rec room) with a fire blazing whilst the snow whipped around outside. Music was playing in the background.  The songs were all from our dating years and many of them from the mixed tapes he made me "way back when."  I LOVED hearing songs I hadn't thought about for YEARS - but somehow I still knew all the words!  It was a nice touch and it amazes me he remembered all the songs.

Then he told me where I was to sit and passed me a clipboard and a pencil.  Chad explained the rules: Simply, we each were to take a slip of paper from the jar.  We would record our answer and then we would ask the other the question.  If our partner answered the question correctly, they would be awarded that slip of paper.  We were to carry this on until the jar was empty.  Then we would count the strips of paper we each had.  The person who had the most, would be declared the winner, and the knowledge that they know the other so well.

Let the game begin!

We played.  We laughed.  A LOT!

We were also baffled as some questions required us to think back over 20 years to come us with the answers!  That's a hard thing to do, you know.

After all was said and done, and the jar was empty, I was victorious!  In all fairness, Chad had to guess some doozies... like: "What was the name of the street I grew up on?"  and, "What are my parents middle names?"  While these might have been mentioned before, the answers wouldn't be at the forefront of anyone's minds.

It was such a fun way to pass a snowy afternoon.  We topped off our date with some popcorn (our fav) and an episode of the new Sherlock Holmes series.

Another successful date for 2013!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Delayed (A Year of Dates - Date #5 which will be soonish, I hope!)

Have you ever had one of those weeks?  I mean, a week where everything needs to get done, appointments scheduled at the most inopportune times, weather related issues reek havoc, and to top it off, you're sick?  Yep.  That's been my week.

My hubby opened up our next date night envelope last Thursday.  (He wanted to know what was in store for him this week before he headed out of town on business for the weekend.)  I think that he was slightly disappointed it was his turn right off the bat for February... though, he began planning and scheming right away.  Needless to say, I was intrigued with his growing secretive plan.

My Screen, Monday night... My
hubby's plane is cancelled AGAIN!
However, his plans for our date night were thwarted due to weather.  I understand it is winter, and I suppose we have to expect some snow to come our way.  But this snow screwed up flight schedules for three days! This meant my hubby did not get home from a weekend of business until late Tuesday night - our usual weekly date night. Despite this delay, he still had a plan... until he came home and found out I was suffering from a bad cold.  Nice homecoming, eh?

One thing I love about my husband is that he is an optimist.  Not much ever gets him down; he's just like that Monty Python song - Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.  (I am convinced he sings this in his head all the time!) He simply shrugged off all this and said, "Don't worry.  We can do it later. I want you to enjoy it!"  And with that, the wheels continued to turn as I suspect he was/is still planning.

It is now Friday, and I am playing host to eight girls for my daughter's birthday party.  My hubby is doing some last minute running around for the anticipated Nor-Easter hitting us - no - SLAMMING us tomorrow. We have had very little time to connect this past week.  But he has a plan.  Our date will be tomorrow - in spite of the gross amount of white stuff and the prospect we will be snowed in.

I am excited.  I am intrigued.  I cannot WAIT to see what we are doing.

Stay tuned.

Friday, February 1, 2013

A Year of Dates: Date #4

Two Minutes in Heaven

Don't be afraid to spice things up a little!  I mean, we tend to think of dates as movies, dinner, games, walks, activities outside the home.  But don't discount the stolen moments you can enjoy at home - even with the kids in the house! Sometimes it is these specific stolen moments that reconnect you and align you as a couple, especially in the crazy world of work, kids, commitments outside the home.

This "date" is meant to be intimate.  Oh, very intimate. Thus, due to privacy, I will spare you details of our date, but I have to say, I love this.  It is fun and it doesn't require anything fancy other than a die and a few minutes alone with your spouse.  I cannot take credit for this (though wouldn't I have been a genius if I had?!) This is once again an idea from the Dating Divas. You can check out all the details:

What I did to present this to my husband: I simply cut and pasted the rules, printed them out on coloured paper, and inserted the paper and a couple of index cards into an envelope.

Chad thought he was opening a night that included a gift card because of the stiffness of the envelope... he was {pleasantly} surprised and very pleased with the contents.

Give it a try.
Savour the "stolen moments."
 It is all important to our sanity and our marriages.